Amaya – Discover Yourself

Well as part of my want to be able to just walk out on the town. I have been going out and walking around my apartment complex at night in one of my more every day outfits with my forms in. I’m finding that this helps to build up the courage of just walking around out in public. It also help with training my feet to walk in heels. Now to help out I always tend to do this around 11pm -1am at night just to reduce the risk of any mishaps. Now I tell you it does tend to happen that someone will be out on there deck or walking in a stairway. I have had this happen to me a few time. Even tonight I was getting ready to walk up the stairs to my apartment and 2 guys showed up to go up the same steps. So when this happens I just make sure my hoodie is over my head and just walk right on by. If I’m walking really close I tend to just look down so that they can’t get a good view of my face.

I hope to break this habit when I finally get all my make-up together and learn how to properly use it. That and I also need to get a good wig. Once I get all this down and a few more sessions of walking around at the apartment without my hoodie to protect me. I plan to try walking around at a store or something where there is more chance of people being around and I really have to be more feminine.

I so can’t wait for this day. Now to just get a more feminine voice by then as well.

et cetera