Amaya – Discover Yourself

{January 23, 2007}   Been a While

Sorry to say its been a while but since I have posted. Thought I would give you an update on how things are going.

So far my roommates have come back. So no fun in getting to spend the whole day en femme. It sucks. I miss the ability to fill comfortable just walking around the house in a nice pair of pants and a shirt with some high heels on, or walking around in a dress. I never felt so free as those 2 weeks with out anyone else in the house.

I’m hoping to get a place on my own here in the next couple of months. So that I can enjoy being myself with out any worries or complaints. I can actual take the time to design a good wardrobe. I can finally learn how to apply all sorts of makeup. I can finally get to learn how to walk in extreme high heels. You know a nice pair of 4-6″ ones. I would have to say the best part will be the ability for me to have my clothes out and not have to stuff them into a box all the time and hide them from being seen.

I just can’t wait. Once I get the whole femme thing down. I will finally be able to go out in public and be more confident that I look like the role I am going for. I will be able go shop for clothes and get other feminine things with out having to order them from the internet. The only thing I will have to work on is the voice. This will be real hard in that I would have to say I have a pretty deep one to begin with.

Hopefully with this new place I will be able to write you some tutorial on some of the techniques that I find to work.

{January 11, 2007}   Who I truly am

Well I am here today to describe myself more to you. In the hopes that it will easy you mind and to help you trust me more with my advise.

What name would you use to describe yourself?
Well if you had to put one name to who I am. I would have to say a Trans-Lesbian. The reason behind this would have to be that well I prefer girls over guys. Don’t get me wrong if I was en femme and the right guy came around I would still be in for a fun night.

What is your sexual preference?
Well as I had stated above my primary focus is of the female type. Although I have nothing wrong with a guy here any there. Well Amaya doesn’t anyway.

Do you ever plan to have any form of GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery)?
Currently I have no desire for any surgery. Personally I enjoy my ability to care on two personalities. My female side “Amaya” seems to be my more creative side. She loves to wear multiple outfits in one day. She just wants to go shopping, just to go shopping. Where as my male side “&#*!@^$” gets to be my more productive one. He gets to love cars. He gets to go fast. He gets to scratch himself and not care.

Having both sides lets me discover new things most people don’t get to experience everyday. What male gets to know how fun it is to strap on a pair of heels “I love wearing heels!”, or knows the joy of wearing makeup. Where most females don’t get to feel what its like to not care about anything, the way you look, the way you present yourself, and what others think of you.

So far thats all the questions that I could come up with that people would like to know about myself. If you got anymore just leave a comment, and I will try to answer them the best I can and as fast as I can.

{January 6, 2007}   Why Amaya?

Some of you may ask what made me pick the name Amaya. Well as someone who loves the Japanese culter and history. I desided I wanted a name that would even more show off my second personality. So in searching for a name that I liked I came across Amaya. I liked the way the name sounded and I loved its meaning (“Night Rain”). So that is how I came up with the name that I enjoy now.

{January 6, 2007}   My Reason

I would just like to take the time to thank you all for coming to check out my blog.

A few quick notes about this blog. The reason I decided to start this was to help share and encourage others to be happy with who they. I remeber spending hours researching and looking up information on Crossdressing and all things alike. When I started to find more people out there like me. I started feeling more secury with who I was and why I was doing it.

So my hope is that in reading this blog you become happier with yourself and your persona.


et cetera