Amaya – Discover Yourself

{January 27, 2007}   Shoes

I don’t know what it is but for some reason I just love shoes. Especially the heels. I know there are a lot of you out there that just love them just as much. I just can’t help myself but to come home and just put on a nice pair of heels and just walk around. When you put them on you just can’t help but feel sexy. I just really wish I could just spend the whole day walking around town in nice pair of boots.

I know a lot of you are would love to do the same thing. Then there are the rest of you that go are you crazy. Your feet will hurt so bad, but you know what. I don’t care. I love them way to much to let that matter.

One of these days I will have a nice collection of shoes. One for every outfit in every color. Hopefully that day comes soon.

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